Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jake's Story

Jake Finkbonner
Age 9
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Flesh-Eating Disease

Jake Finkbonner was pushed from behind and hit his lip on the base of a basketball hoop while playing. It seemed minor, but the next day his face and head had swollen to twice their size.

The disease kept spreading like wildfire by the time anyone knew the cause. It was Strep A, or necrotizing fasciitis, commonly known as flesh-eating disease. The vicious bacteria had gotten into Jake’s bloodstream, and it was devouring his flesh faster than doctors could stop it. To save his life, they had to remove the damaged tissue on Jake’s face, head and neck to stop the infection’s constant advance.

Jake’s spent nine weeks at Seattle Children’s Hospital, has had 25 surgeries to date, and each day for 2 weeks was put in a hyperbaric chamber to stop the progression of the disease. He has scars across his scalp from ear to ear, on his chest from one shoulder to the other, down his neck, and on his face. Now 9, Jake will never look the same as before, but the team of physical, occupational and speech therapists and the skilled surgeons at Seattle Children’s continue to help Jake in his recovery.

Jake stays positive about the battles he’s faced and those yet to come. “I’m proud because I know I can make it through,” said Jake. “I know I can make it through other ones and soon it will be all over.”

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